Ends on

We are seeking poetry, fiction, nonfiction and artwork/photography.   

Chosen selections will be published on our website, which receives thousands of visits per month.

+The tentative publishing date for this issue is 5/31/24

Get published. Support an indie lit magazine.

Wondering why we charge a nominal submission fee? We're dedicated to being able to pay for our existence, rather than putting our founding editor "in the red." Your submission fee covers the cost of maintaining our website and allows us to continue to provide a platform for writers and artists.

*We'll be donating 5% of the total submission fees to a nonprofit writing center of our choosing, which will be featured at the top of our issue for those interested in learning more. 


$3.00 covers:   

-3 poems   


-3 pieces of art/photography


-1 piece of fiction or nonfiction under 2,500 words.

**Do not put any identifying information on your submissions.  

***Not adhering to these guidelines will disqualify your submission and you will not receive a refund.

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.